Life on the Road

Life on the Road

Freedom seekers traveling the globe need a safe place to keep their belongings. Whether you’re a new graduate taking the year to road trip around the country or a retiree who’s renting your house out while visiting your bucket-list sites, you don’t need to giveaway all your belongings before you go. Our possessions often have emotional connections for us, and it can be difficult to decide what to keep and what to get rid of. Before you take your life on the road, however, you will want to take some time for this process.


When entering the process of deciding what to keep and what not to keep, you can get stuck easily. But if you’re making a huge life change such as living on the road for a while, it can be even harder. You may be tempted to chuck everything but take a minute to slow down and really think of what you’d like to have waiting for you if and when you come back. Pause to create space to reflect on your items. Of course, you can simply donate or toss whatever you immediately know is not necessary. But sentimental or useful items may need a bit more time. Define your boundaries around the items. For example, you may only have room in the RV or houseboat for a few outfits, so no matter what clothing you love, you have to be realistic about your space. Acknowledge the uncomfortable feelings that come with getting rid of practical items and move forward. Sometimes what makes decluttering difficult is that there is not always a right or wrong answer to keeping or tossing something. It can be very personal and situational.

Valuable Items

You will likely want to keep those heirloom collectibles or valuable pieces. Photo books, your grandmother’s cedar chest, your grandfather’s guitar—these are all examples of important pieces of your life that need to be kept but probably don’t want to cart all over the country. Not only would that create the possibility of these items getting stolen or damaged, it will also be inconvenient. Be careful with what you keep, then consider sending them offsite to a quality, secure, well-maintained storage facility. Try to get rid of anything that will just weigh you down, and be honest about this process. Those college textbooks that have been sitting in your closet for thirty years are not likely to become prized possessions for your grandchildren. But your high school yearbooks and wedding album probably will be.

A good way to get rid of some bigger ticket items is by posting them online or selling them at a garage sell. This way, you’ll also make some money to fund your new adventure on the road! We recommend cataloging what you send to a storage unit, especially if there is important paperwork, and leaving the information with a trusted loved one in case you need someone to access the unit (or if you’d like someone to occasionally check on things). If you’re ready to travel extensively, trust Oquirrh View Storage to keep your valuables safe for as long as you need.

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